Friday, August 13, 2021


No, this is not a word, it's a tool.

"Diatopix es una herramienta que muestra, en la parte de la Web correspondiente a una lengua, la distribución geográfica del uso de palabras, términos, expresiones, etc. La herramienta usa el motor de búsqueda personalizado de Google y muestra por separado los resultados obtenidos en los principales países donde se usa dicha lengua (Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, España, México, Venezuela).

If you are going into Spanish it can be a way to see if you are using a term that will be more widely understood or not. I found it super surprising to see the results for the words parce and parcero, I have always thought of them as very Colombian slang but they have decent googlage for other countries too - and more for Spain than Colombia! 

Thanks to Robin, who suggested diatopix in a comment on my post on the term whiteness.

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