Friday, June 24, 2011


feminicidio, rather than femicidio

As a feminist activist in Colombia explained it to me, in Colombia femicidio is understood to mean just the homicide of a woman, whereas feminicidio is when she is killed for being a woman. But in English many people seem to use femicide to mean the latter, though I translated many of the essays in the powerful book Terrorizing Women: Feminicide in the Americas, which does use the cognate of the way it seems to be more commonly said in Spanish.

Friday, June 17, 2011

todo para todos

I love this pic of the white overalls but what, was that machine translation? It's everything for everybody.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

translation tip: the glossaries and dictionaries I use most

When I stumble on a word I turn to my own glossary first, because often I've stumbled on it before. After that I go to wordref in my firefox search bar (see my previous post about how to set that up). Next I often go sideways in the single language dictionaries that I have in the search bar, especially the RAE, looking for synonyms in the source language. After that I turn to the glossaries in proz.

I also have reverso in the search bar, but lately I haven't been as impressed by it.

Others I use at times include

termium, a newly free one from Canada



and I keep forgetting to use google dictionary but when I do I'm often pleasantly suprised. Set the tab to Sp<>Eng.

These days I'll admit I rarely turn to my large collection of specialized hard copy dictionaries. How fast things change!

Friday, June 3, 2011


Should we avoid using (or translating into) words with little known racist etymologies? I avoid the word 'gyp'' in English, even though most people no longer associate it with or consider it derogatory towards gypsies. But what about the other words in this interesting post on 8 racist words you are likely to hear every day. The other seven are:
hip hip hooray
and picnic.

Know the racist origins of ANY of those? Then does it matter if you use them?