Thursday, November 7, 2024

formacion politica: political education or political formation?

I got to thinking about this term because CISPES is doing a fantastic tour of the US with the compas from Equipo Maiz, who are offering political formation sessions.

We don't really use the term political formation in English. You could use political education or training or workshop - but I would argue for importing political formation and explaining the broader meaning of the term in Spanish if and when you have the chance. Formation points to so much more than what we think of as education, described well here. I think it comes out of liberation theology, though I'm not sure of that. Simas argues here that "Political formation could be understood as an education of the mind, body and spirit to be able to fully engage in collective movement work."

This broader take is more important now than ever in the United States - as is the ejemplo and lessons of our compas who have resisted dictatorships across the Americas for decades!
(photo is a morning 'mistica' at an MST training) 

Curious to hear if you think it works to import this term - please comment!