When you talk about stepping on someone’s toes in Spanish (as in offending them), the equivalent is to step on someone’s calluses or corns. Pisar callos. As unpleasant as it is for someone to step on your toes, it has to be ten times worse for them to stomp on your corns.
Cuando se trata de innovar, no vale el consenso: hay que pisar callos.
When it comes to innovation, you won’t get anywhere with consensus: you have to step on some toes.
Llegó la hora de pisar callos y de poner al descubierto intereses oscuros.
It’s time to step on some toes and expose shady business interests.
No era mi intención pisar callos, tan solo quise serte sincera.
I never meant to step on any toes; I just wanted to be honest with you.

Video de Zuluaga y el ‘hacker’ levanta ampolla
That’s a local newspaper
headline from this weekend here in Colombia. Literal translation: Video
of Zuluaga and the “hacker” raises a blister. Accurate translation:
Uproar over video of Zuluaga and “hacker.” Or even outrage. To give you
an idea, much of the country has basically been calling out, “Off with
his head!” Short of that, that this miserable, mendacious, conniving
toad at least recall his candidacy for the presidential elections that
are next Sunday. More than just a blister, Zuluaga raised a festering,
pus-filled boil.
Something that causes problems
causes friction, and with enough friction you’ll get a painful blister.
My experience with the phrase levantar ampolla
is that it indicates an uproar, outrage, or indignation. But a quick
glance around the Internet makes it seem like it can also be used for
milder reactions such as annoyance, controversy, or raising people’s
hackles. It also looks like it’s more typical to say levantar ampollas in many countries. To me, this phrase sounds like newspaperese: I don’t think I’ve ever heard it before in speech.
Aprovecha para recordar las ampollas que está levantando la reforma de la ley del aborto en nuestro país.
He took advantage of the opportunity to recall the outrage that the abortion reform law is producing in our country.
Beso de dos mujeres en Mentiras perfectas levantó ampolla
Kiss between two women on Mentiras perfectas draws fire
Can you think of
any other feet phrases? One day I’m probably going to learn that in
Spanish it’s don’t burn your bunions, not your bridges, and I really
hope there’s no disgusting phrase revolving around athlete’s foot or
ingrown toenails. I’ve shared before that a foul foot odor is called pecueca in Colombian and Venezuelan Spanish. (Pecueco/a can also mean something that’s bad or lousy.)
Both Spanish and English have an endless amount of foot/pie
phrases, but I can’t think of any English phrases dealing with foot
problems except for foot-in-mouth disease. There’s also the litany of
problems you’d be stuck with the rest of your life if you were to
actually shoot yourself in the foot.
1 comment:
Hey, just seeing this now! Thanks so much! It was fun meeting you- blogs (and language) bring people together! Keep up the blogging and all the good work you do :)
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